Tech Tools
Got Technology?
Can technology help to support your students through personalized learning, visual representations, digital tools, and online activities to support making connections and explaining their thinking?
A meta-analysis of the effect of technology on mathematics achievement showed statistically significant gains across the K-12 classroom (Slavin & Chung, 2013). Students who reported their teachers used computers frequently as a way to demonstrate new topics had higher levels of math achievement (House, 2011). Mathematics knowledge was also positively related to the use of multimedia strategies for elementary students (Weiss, Kramarski, & Tails, 2006).
If students are working on a project-based learning task, then digital tools that support students in the creation phase of their project might be useful to consider, whereas teachers who are explaining a concept might need virtual manipulatives to help students construct a model.
As such I have created a classification of technology tools in relation to mathematics instruction. Have fun, take a look and share your teaching ideas and technology tools with me.
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