
Think Critically this Summer!

Summer Summer Summer time…. don’t just sit back and rewind.  This summer take the opportunity to try new strategies, increase your content knowledge and think critically. As teachers across the nation move to adopt 21st century skills into their teaching practice, not only must they think about how the 4C’s: Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication and Collaboration can be incorporated into their practice they must also harness the opportunity to be an active consumer of these practices.  We tend to teach the way we were taught so take advantage of experiences that will truly shift the way you teach. images-1699436
Critical Thinking is a habit of mind characterized by a thorough exploration of issues, ideas and events before learning an opinion or conclusion (AACU, 2009). Furthermore, it involves reflecting rationally about the beliefs or actions that garner the results, as well as using evidence to support a decision. 

Want to know more about Critical thinking? Check out this guide based on the Association of American Colleges and University (AACU) and download the critical thinking value rubric.

Click on the image 

At home with the kids this summer then sign up for an online course and earn continuing education units (CEU’s) in between trips to the pools and visits to grandma’s house.  Dr. Patricia Dickenson will be teaching a course entitled “Math in Our Lives”  for K-8 teachers focusing on 3 pedagogical practices: Problem-based learning, Project-based learning, and Inquiry around five foundational skills for mathematics: Fractions & Decimals, Problem Solving, Whole Number Operations, and Place Value & Numbers. You will learn how you can reinforce, introduce and assess these key concepts through real-world math. 

Thinking critically will help you throughout the school year in making informed decisions,  analyzing data from student assessments, planning lessons based on students prior knowledge and developmental ability, and reflecting on the effectiveness of a lesson plan.  Moreover if you don’t think critically then how can you teach it?

Still interested in learning more about the 4C’s and how these strategies can be integrated across subject-matter content? Check out my latest publication Blending Digital Content In Teacher Education Programs  which includes practical application of the 4 C’s in your classroom and makes the connection between research and best practices across the k-12 grade span.