
How to Protect Children from Gambling: A Global Perspective

In Brazil, oneof the nation’s largest casinos has recently made headlines by investing significant resources into a responsible gambling program designed specifically to prevent children from engaging in gambling activities. This initiative aims to promote awareness about the risks of gambling among minors, provide educational tools for families, and enhance technological solutions that restrict underage access to betting platforms.

While this is a positive step in Brazil, the issue of underage gambling is a global concern. Around the world, governments, parents, and organizations are struggling to keep children away from the dangers of gambling. With the increasing accessibility of online betting and casino platforms, protecting minors has never been more crucial. In this article, we will explore the problem in more detail, examine global statistics, and offer practical steps to safeguard children from gambling.

Global Statistics on Underage Gambling

Gambling is an activity traditionally restricted to adults, yet studies show that millions of children and adolescents worldwide are exposed to gambling at an early age. According to a report from the UK Gambling Commission, 450,000 children between the ages of 11 and 16 in the UK had gambled in some form in 2022. The report also highlighted that 1 in 15 children is classified as a problem gambler.

In the United States, the National Center for Responsible Gaming estimates that 2% to 7% of young people have a gambling problem, and an additional 10% to 14% are at risk of developing one. The rise of online gaming platforms and the ease of access to betting sites through mobile devices are significant contributors to this growing problem.

Why Is Underage Gambling Dangerous?

Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to gambling-related harm due to several factors, including their developing brains and inability to fully understand the risks associated with gambling. Here are a few key risks of underage gambling:

  1. Addiction Development: Research shows that individuals who start gambling at a young age are more likely to develop a gambling disorder later in life. Early exposure normalizes the activity, making it harder to break the cycle of addiction.
  2. Mental Health Issues: Young people who engage in gambling are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The emotional toll of losing money or being unable to stop gambling can be severe for minors.
  3. Academic and Social Problems: Children who gamble may neglect school, sports, and friendships as gambling takes over their lives. This can lead to a lack of concentration, poor grades, and social isolation.
  4. Financial Problems: Even at a young age, gambling can lead to financial issues. Some children steal money from family members or run into debt, which can create tensions within the household.

Factors Contributing to Underage Gambling

While traditional forms of gambling, such as casinos and sports betting, require users to be of legal age, the rapid growth of online gambling platforms has made it easier for minors to access these services. Some of the key factors contributing to underage gambling include:

  1. Increased Internet Access: With the widespread availability of smartphones and tablets, children have easy access to gambling websites and apps. These platforms may not have robust age verification systems, allowing minors to bypass restrictions.
  2. Gambling in Video Games: Many online video games incorporate gambling-like elements such as loot boxes, where players spend real money to receive random in-game rewards. While not classified as traditional gambling, these mechanics mirror the risk-reward structure of betting and can lead to addictive behaviors.
  3. Aggressive Advertising: Children are often exposed to gambling advertisements on social media, TV, and streaming platforms. These ads can glamorize gambling, making it seem like a fun and harmless activity.
  4. Peer Influence: Peer pressure can also play a role in encouraging minors to gamble. Children who see their friends engaging in gambling activities, whether it’s through video games or sports betting, may feel compelled to join in.

Global Efforts to Combat Underage Gambling

Countries around the world are taking steps to address the problem of underage gambling, though the effectiveness of these measures varies. Here are some notable efforts:

1. The UK

The UK has been at the forefront of tackling underage gambling. The Gambling Act of 2005 sets strict guidelines for gambling operators, including the requirement for age verification. Recently, the UK has taken additional measures by banning the use of credit cards for gambling and increasing penalties for companies that allow underage users on their platforms. The Gambling Commission continues to monitor operators closely and fines those who fail to comply with regulations.

2. Australia

Australia has introduced the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering, which includes measures such as a voluntary opt-out pre-commitment system and restrictions on bonus offers. This framework aims to protect both adults and minors from the harmful effects of gambling by limiting promotional content and strengthening identity checks.

3. The United States

In the U.S., individual states regulate online gambling. New Jersey, one of the states with legal online casinos, requires strict age verification processes and has adopted responsible gambling measures to prevent minors from accessing betting platforms. Meanwhile, various organizations, such as the National Council on Problem Gambling, work to raise awareness of gambling addiction among teens.

4. Brazil

In Brazil, gambling regulations are still evolving. As mentioned, one of the country’s largest casinos is investing in a responsible gambling program to prevent underage gambling. The program focuses on educating parents and children, utilizing age-verification technology, and promoting awareness about the dangers of gambling for minors. Brazil’s government is also considering more comprehensive legislation to address gambling, which will likely include provisions specifically targeting underage gambling.

Steps to Protect Children from Gambling

While legislation and regulations are important, parents and guardians also play a crucial role in protecting children from gambling-related harm. Here are some practical steps that families can take to ensure children stay safe:

  1. Educate Children Early: It’s essential to teach children about the dangers of gambling from a young age. Explain how gambling works, emphasizing that it is not a way to make easy money but rather a high-risk activity that can lead to addiction and financial trouble.
  2. Use Parental Controls: Many devices and apps offer parental control settings that allow parents to block access to gambling sites or set spending limits. Ensure that all mobile devices and computers have these protections enabled.
  3. Monitor Online Activity: Keep an eye on your child’s online activity, especially if they play video games. Be aware of in-game purchases like loot boxes, which can mimic gambling behavior.
  4. Set Clear Boundaries: Establish rules about spending and online behavior. If your child enjoys video games, make sure they understand the dangers of gambling elements in certain games and set limits on their use.
  5. Encourage Healthy Hobbies: Encourage children to participate in healthy, non-gambling-related activities like sports, arts, or social clubs. These activities can help reduce the appeal of gambling and promote positive social interactions.