


Today's ISTE Presentation

My son Braeden and I are at ISTE today for his first conference presentation.  We had a packed room of 60 plus teachers, mostly teachers of mathematics who wanted to know our approach to math instruction using technology tools. Technology is…

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Lights, Camera, Action: Learning by Teaching

Are you ready to get started with student-made videos?  If I haven’t convinced you in previous posts to give up the reins and adopt this practice, consider the research, as studies show students learn more  when they are required to explain…

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The Student Gap

Trying to synthesize the various experiences of the student teachers I work with can be a daunting task. Our university is located in such a richly diverse area where students are from around the world and the schools that they…

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Differentiation for ALL learners

What is differentation and how do we reach all learners?  Diane Ravitch defines differentiating instruction as a form of instruction that seeks to “maximize each student’s growth by recognizing that students have different ways of learning, different interests, and different ways…

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More Than An Hour of Code

Ask the average 8 year old boy what he wants to be when he grows up and you will probably hear “make video games”.  Boys and girls love video games because it gives them an opportunity to use their logic…

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Unpacking Differentiation

I love the notion of differentiation but putting it into practice is not intuitive.  We tend to teach the way we were taught and I am sure that most of us were taught by teachers who stood at the front…

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Classroom Management 101

Without classroom management even the best designed lesson and most engaging tasks will be useless.  Classroom management is the foundation of teaching, and without it chaos rules. When classroom structures are in place everyone can thrive including the teacher.  Significant…

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