
The 21st Century Resume

2e9638fd26d62c52827f76c2d5e31926-9212124 Remember the day when…searching for a job consisted of circling advertisements in a newspaper and sending a letter of interest and your resume in hope of a phone call for an interview.  Well those days are over and today’s information age provides instantaneous background checks, resume scans by key words, and social media searches galore.  Future teachers are launching into a profession that is hungry for tech savvy natives who can go beyond regurgitating information to engaging digital natives.  The idea that teachers are conduits of knowledge and information is dead.  Ask any elementary kid where they can find information on a topic of interest and you will likely hear “google it”.

I recently presented to a group of preservice teachers who are about to embark on a journey that will move them into teachers of record.  Excitement filled the room on the day I entered, hopeful eyes in anticipation, that I would share the knowledge to secure the job they have dreamed of.  In a digital world where resumes consists of mere words and new teachers often lack experience, you need to harness the power of technology and set yourself apart from the rest of the pack.

Here are some helpful tips I shared with new teachers:

  1.  Highlight the training, and experience you received in your program.  Did you become adept at Project Based Learning or master Understanding by Design? Share what knowledge you could bring to the table.
  2. Create a digital presence through an online blog, website or digital portfolio.  Adding a URL to your resume lets schools know you are tech savvy.
  3. Network, network, network, join professional organizations and connect with inservice teachers during summer training.
  4.  Share your contact information with teachers and administrators for future job openings.  Sometimes timing is everything so be ready to  go for it!
  5. Keep your resume short and sweet.  No more than one page that includes multiple ways to contact you: EMAIL, PHONE, ADDRESS, BLOG. Include your most recent teaching experience and titles only for positions outside of education.
  6. Get your REFERENCES in CHECK! Hasta la Vista it’s Summer Time.
  7. Brush up on interview questions and practice in front of the mirror or with a friend. Or use “Photobooth” to record yourself and determine where you need to “ummmm” (most common word in an interview) improve. 
  8. Stay current and keep teaching.  Even if you don’t land that perfect job the first year out of the gate,  develop an undisputed reputation through substitute teaching at your district of choice. Put flyers in teachers mailbox at the beginning of the year with your contact information and get to know the office staff. 
  9. Start creating digital content to showcase your knowledge, skills and dispositions.  This can include a “how to” video on using a web-based tool, or demonstration of content knowledge.

Please feel free to reach out to me to review your resume and check out the sample of a digital portfolio I have included in this Prezi. Google Presentation on Resume/Interview Writing